這次的婚紗照是由Alice 拍攝,在前期的溝通過程中,就可以感受到Alice是一位熱情且細心的攝影師。除了仔細聆聽我們的訴求並給予建議以外,因為我們希望能夠在有回憶的咖啡廳拍攝,Alice也會事先先去場勘,了解附近除了咖啡廳以外有什麼其他也適合拍照的漂亮場地,讓人覺得很窩心。 在拍攝當天,原本沒有拍攝經驗的我們本來有點緊張,但在Alice的帶動及專業的攝影下,總是能拍出自然互動又開心的我們。雖然拍攝一整天但我們都覺得是非常快樂的回憶,目前我們都看到毛片進入到精修的階段,但是在毛片就已經有好多喜歡的照片了~很謝謝Alice這次幫我們拍出這麼自然又開心的氛圍~ 10月更新~今天收到Kvision 實體相本了,超級驚艷而且質感好好~之前看到電子檔精修已經覺得很漂亮,但收到實體相本還是很感動~除了相本包裝很大器精緻之外,我很喜歡它的相片紙質有點珍珠光澤感的質感,讓整個照片的氛圍變得柔和,質感好好~謝謝Kvision 讓我們留下很棒的回憶~~ -
KVision is undeniably the best experience out of our wedding adventures!!! I highly recommend this place to anyone! You will always be well taken care of from the beginning to end. My husband (fiancé at the time) and I came from the US to visit and take pre-wedding photos in Taiwan. Being unfamiliar with the process, Chinese characters, photo styles, area to do photoshoots, and poses, they were able to guide us with so much care and attention to detail. They were able to speak and respond in English. They were also courteous, professional, kind, efficient and responded in timely manner. Before the photoshoot, appointments (e.g.. wedding gown and suit fitting, make and hair) to prepare for the photoshoot were all arranged for us. We also had a consultation beforehand where we discussed the aesthetics we wanted in our picture, photoshoot locations, hair, and gowns. With all this information, they created a thorough itinerary and provided recommendations from the best time of day to take pictures and combination of suit and gown to wear during a shoot. On the day of our wedding photoshoot, we had a little entourage (photographer, photographer assistant, make up/hair stylist, driver, and make up artist/hair stylist assistant) that came and supported us throughout day. Whether it was getting food, changing my clothes, holding accessories, fixing my makeup/hair, or guiding us through difficult terrain to get the best shot, they always went above and beyond. These people are genuinely kind people that want to help and make it enjoyable and unforgettable experience. Our photographer Alice was incredibly sweet and encouraging. She was our cheerleader and she built our confidence, directed us in our poses, and captured the best moments for us. Alice and KVision also did a wonderful job with editing our photos. All of the in-person preparation and photoshoot took only two days so it would work with anyone that may be visiting Taiwan for a short visit. Kvision’s team has always been incredibly accommodating and patient with us. This has definitely been an unforgettable life experience that we will both always look fondly on! -
KVision is amazing! Highly recommend! A++! We had an incredible experience! Our pre-wedding photos were amazing! We worked with Alice and everyone at KVision was very kind and professional and helpful. From start to finish, the staff at KVision was very open, responsive and helpful. Before the photoshoot, they provided guidance and expert opinions on what locations and angles and ideas would work best. During the photoshoot, Alice and her crew were very patient and efficient, helping us get all the photos at all the locations we chose. After the photoshoot, everyone at KVision was very transparent, communicative and responsive. Alice and the staff at KVision treated us like family and created an unforgettable experience for us. The pictures came out wonderful and we will cherish the photos and memories forever. We are so incredibly grateful to KVision and we will 100% do more photoshoots with them in the future. We highly recommend KVision and Alice for all of your special events and photo memories. Thank you KVision and Alice! -
這次的婚紗照是Alice拍攝的,在溝通的時候,Alice 給我的感覺很熱情活潑。 在拍攝過程中,還指導我們怎麽做動作跟互動拍出來會不錯看~^_^ 很謝謝Alice能幫我們拍出這麽多很有趣又自然的照片~ -
這次的婚紗照是由Alice 拍攝,在前期的溝通過程中,就可以感受到Alice是一位熱情且細心的攝影師。除了仔細聆聽我們的訴求並給予建議以外,因為我們希望能夠在有回憶的咖啡廳拍攝,Alice也會事先先去場勘,了解附近除了咖啡廳以外有什麼其他也適合拍照的漂亮場地,讓人覺得很窩心。 在拍攝當天,原本沒有拍攝經驗的我們本來有點緊張,但在Alice的帶動及專業的攝影下,總是能拍出自然互動又開心的我們。雖然拍攝一整天但我們都覺得是非常快樂的回憶,目前我們都看到毛片進入到精修的階段,但是在毛片就已經有好多喜歡的照片了~很謝謝Alice這次幫我們拍出這麼自然又開心的氛圍~ -
攝影師 KHC老師 造型師 Allie 錄影側拍 Remy 我們選擇的是兩天旅行拍攝方案,共拍攝了合歡山及台北的景 這兩天的體驗非常好,一路上所有人們都非常照顧我們,氣氛也很歡樂 當時在選擇婚紗攝影團隊時,陸陸續續到許多工作室諮詢,看了很多作品之後,最終還是最喜歡小柯老師的大景作品。後來在拍攝前首次與老師面對面進行討論,小柯老師跟Allie 都非常nice ,也給予許多意見,特別是在那次討論後,我依照老師的建議,臨時把拍攝合歡山的禮服改成透膚魚尾,最後看到毛片,非常慶幸自己重新選擇禮服,很喜歡整體的效果~ 因為我們很少拍照,所以拍攝前及拍攝當下還是滿緊張的,小柯老師會一邊引導一邊聊天,讓整個拍攝過程很歡樂,時間不知不覺過得非常快,讓整個拍婚紗的過程,就真的像是旅行一樣好玩,目前雖然還未看到成品,但毛片就已經很美很有意境,非常期待最終的成品~ Allie 老師非常溫柔、動作超快!事前在討論的過程中,我不太懂得怎麼形容自己想要的造型感覺,很擔心自己說明的很零碎,但當天老師直接用神手做出的造型,就是我所想要的~!其中一組由老師推薦的低馬尾造型,本來很擔心自己無法駕馭,結果當天直接榮登最喜歡的造型 最後在海灘拍攝時,我的腳被鐵絲刺傷,也是Allie 跟Fany 細心幫我處理和不斷關心我,有選擇Allie 真的太幸運~ Remy 老師拍攝時,就像朋友一樣陪我們討論想要的風格,而且很神速的在第二天就讓我們搶先看合歡山影片,直接被美哭! 也特別感謝Jason, 連手機側拍都好美,真的很專業 最後非常推薦外拍車的翔哥,人很爽朗又貼心,對新人非常照顧,大推~ -